A Quran Academy is a place where people can come and learn the teachings of Islam. You would find a number of Quran academies all around the globe where you can go and Learn holy quran but today is the era of technology. Every field has taken steps to get benefit from the technological equipments. We feel proud to offer Online quran classes through internet all over the world.

People can learn holy quran from an Online Quran academy instead of physically visiting the place. Qualified tutors are hired to deliver lessons to the kids and adults. eQuranInstitute’s aim is to make people Recite holy quran with correct accent and tajweed. We have set a small fee for the services we provide , which hardly meet our expenses. As compared to the other online academies, we provide quality quran lessons at lowest possible charges.
You are welcome to take a free trial of 3 classes to see how this system works. Online Quran learning works perfect. Kids feel comfortable while taking online classes and it helps you a lot too to see the performance of your kid without any interruption. Now you don’t need to search for a Quran tutor in your area for your kids, Just register yourself to take a free trial. Free trial is your right , After free trial you can decide that whether you should start with us or should look for some other Online Quran Academy.
Education plays an important role in the life of mankind and the place from where we can get education is called an institute or academy For imparting the best knowledge we should have a valueable institute.
Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w) said “Seek knowledge even if be in china”
E-Quran Institute is one of the leading academy in promoting the Quranic education its recitation and tajweed Our tutors not bound the students only to the reciting or learning but they Also concentrate on building up a students character . Al-Arqam was the first institute that provided teachings of islam . This institute was owned by a sahabi named (arqam)
E-Quran institute provide a unremarkable facility to the muslims living in Western countries that they can get quranic education while sitting at home Its so simple , affordable ,convenient . Register now and get 3 days free trial. We are quite sure you will also find eQuranInstitute the best online academy.
To Register for a free trial , Please Click here.